Who am I? A puzzle….
The decision to start a blog was not a difficult one. I have been writing to my kids (even when they were merely an idea in my head), to my husband (yes admittedly less often nowadays), to my friends (in difficult times especially), and of course, to myself (to put my thoughts in order, to diffuse my anger, to express my sadness)…well of course, I write for a living (I have to explain all the numbers and symbols to “normal” people). So with a glass of wine (or coffee? Always one of the two in my hands..) I said to my Prince (not the late singer… may he rest in peace)… to my partner-in-life and the father of my boys… “I think I want to start a blog”… “nice, why not? it’s the new in thing…everybody does it” (now is that good or bad? I thought)… Anyway, so the decision was not difficult…do I have something to lose? Not really… And if I don’t like it? Also fine, I just stop it…And if I want to write more or less often? Also, fine, there is no commitment, I thought… By the wa...