Love is time is love..
The last couple of months I decided not to write (well, ok, circumstances and busy life contributed to that decision too) but I was actively observing life around me. To be more precise, I was trying to identify demonstrations of love. Any kind of love, anywhere. I have consciously convinced myself I have a purpose to seek love in all its manifestations and in all possible places. Almost like a social experiment trying to disprove the hypothesis that we live in a cruel world without love. Or maybe a personal experiment to convince myself that love is here around me and I should worry about nothing. Or maybe call it an exorcism of the bad: the more I find love, the more love will find me. In order to do so, I had to first define love in my mind…and I looked at the dictionary…. Love (noun) 1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. 2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep...