Sharing our vulnerabilities in action
School break and the family decided to go on a long road trip adventure and end up at the grandparents by the ocean. The trip had an effect on all of us - two days stuck in the car was quite a challenge. But we (and by that I mean mainly the two younger co-passengers) did much better than expected. The tiredness (of the trip or of the last few months?) decided to find its way into our balance during the first two days being at our destination. More specifically, the exchanges between me and the boys became tense and definitely not towards creating a fun family holiday mood. As in most such cases, we entered a negative cycle where the more I was controlling them, the more they were rebelling against it... (typical, right?) The last stroke was when an afternoon after some tensions, they happily decided to go to the beach with their father and I decided not to join. My initial argument was that I fight with the kids the whole time, so let me stay away so that...