Let’s create Christmas magic together
It was only a couple of years ago, and after a lot of questions, we decided it was time for Dimitri to know. I took him for coffee, and we discussed the magic of Christmas, the blessing of celebrating the birth of Jesus, and eventually, the meaning of Santa Claus – and the fact that he is more of an idea and expression of love than a real person that travels the world and gives presents. For him, it was a factual recognition. Of course, that makes sense; otherwise, why do we collect gifts and money for kids who don’t have? If Santa were real, he would take care of that. Extremely mature reaction, if I may say so myself. He took it with pride, and being the eldest, he promised to let his brother enjoy the fairy tale. I think it was worse for me. It was a realisation that my firstborn baby boy was growing up and that we would enter a new era in our family. Fast forward, Philippos started asking questions and again, the decision to have the talk with him before going through a festiv...